Sunday, August 5, 2012

Grocery Store Stops

Go into the store knowing what you'll be eating for the next few days.  I write a few "one liner" menues.  Below's example is from a Boy Scout Troop 579 hiking menue I put together for the Appelacian Trail in 2011:

Breakfast    Base Camp Breakfast Burritos: Precooked bacon, eggs, cheese, seasoning; walking 
                  apple salad, Sunny D//Tea/Coffee (simple for an early start on the trail)

Lunch         Hiking: BLT Wrap w/ Ital. dressing, mustard, cheese, sliced like an appetizer pinwheel

Snacks       Turkey Jerky, string cheese, Planter’s Nut-rition Energy Bars GORP + left-overs

Dinner        Base Camp Victory Dinner: Appetizer: carrots with ranch and celery w/ PB,
                  Backpacker’s Buffet Steak, mushrooms and onions, baked
      potatoes, grilled corn on the cob, Banana Boats, Coke and Gatorade

My best on the road grocery shopping tip:

Always make a beeline to the frozen food section.  Say you need potatoes.  In the freezer section they are already diced, slightly cooked and you can buy them mixed with another ingredient needed in your recipe, such as diced onions or peppers.  These tidy little bags are already frozen and will pack neatly out of your way in the cooler, unlike a fresh bag of potatoes or a bag of smelly onions.   If you want roasted red potatoes and onions in a dutch oven with olive oil, sea salt and fresh rosemary, by all means hit the fresh veggies isle.  But chances are you'll appreciate the frozen convenience of at least some of your veggies being prepped and ready to quick-cook at meal time.

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